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Review: Zombie Army Trilogy (PS4)

Do you love annihilating zombies? If so, this is the game for you!

Rebellion Developments' Zombie Army Trilogy has finally been unleashed! It is set in an alternate perception of a World War II era Berlin in which Hitler, seeing defeat at the hands of the Allies, unleashes his unholy last stand; “a legion of undead super soldiers that threatens to overwhelm the whole of Europe.” Players may choose to play through 15 challenging missions that stretch across three extraordinary campaigns that can be played solo or in online co-op for 2-4 players and allows players to be one of eight different heroes.. Players can also engage in the bloodthirsty horde mode, surviving against unlimited and progressively difficult waves of zombies across five dedicated maps.

When I first picked the game up, I immediately found out that it was difficult but I couldn’t stop playing. After a few games of constantly dying, I began to get the hang of the controls and started enjoying this horror-filled, action-packed third-person shooter.

My favorite part of the game was that i was able to choose my load out. Options include choosing a quantity of different explosives, and one of each type of three weapons from a variety of rifles, sub-machine guns, shotguns and pistols to create the best zombie-slaying load out. Throughout each map are crates of ammo, explosives, safe rooms and a secret weapon. These can come in handy when coming up against the legions of undead super soldiers. Players face a variety of these including armoured skeletons, zombie snipers, chainsaw elites, fire demons and many more. This gameplay is like watching a scary movie; a rush of adrenaline hit me beause I thought a zombie might jump out, but I ddn'’t know when or where. There are no exact spawn points and zombies come from every which way so If your playing co-op, I advise you to play as a team, and get each other’s backs.

The sound and graphic detail are critical to surviving in this game. When a critical hit is made, the camera changes to the bullets' point of view, allowing the player to see it rip through the zombie’s skin, breaking bones and splattering blood everywhere. The atmosphere portrayed is a job well done. Playing in a gloomy and fearful atmosphere, with zombie horde grunts and moans keep a player on alert. The maps are filled with Nazi a-cult experiments which kept me curious and enticed me to explore every inch of the maps.

Every element in this game blends together to create a video game masterpiece. Zombie Army Trilogy is enjoyable, challenging and all around fun. The game will have you constantly playing to understand each map, test new methods and test different load outs. I would advise you to purchase this game promptly, as a game of this magnitude can not receive justice from a renting service.

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