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E3 2015 Predictions!

E3 2015 is here and we could not be more excited. This year seems to be building up steam far more than years past and this could shape up to be the biggest convention in years.

In celebration of gaming’s biggest expo, I’m here to make some bold predictions.


Gears of War Remastered will actually be a remaster of the entire trilogy. They have to do that. Anything short of that would be a letdown.

Some time back some images and gameplay leaked of Gears of War Remastered. Microsoft claimed they were putting the hammer down on those who broke the NDA. I call BS on that. I think that Microsoft gave the company permission to leak the info so that the public would be led to believe that we are only getting a Gears 1 remaster. I think they only said that they are taking action against those that leaked the info because they don’t want to set a precedent where journalists suddenly think that an NDA is a worthless piece of paper.


Nintendo will indeed talk about The Legend of Zelda and it will become a swan song for Wii U set to release in late 2016, but a launch title for NX. Nintendo did this exact same thing with Twilight Princess. It was promised for GameCube and was indeed released for GameCube but released as a launch title for their new Wii Console.

One more for Nintendo and this is a HUGE reach but with the extremely tight relationship Nintendo has with Sega and the fact that Nintendo needs a massive title or titles other than Star Fox to tide fans over until Zelda, I predict that Sega will announce Shenmue 3 as a Wii U exclusive. Yes that comes across like a pipe dream and I literally have no evidence to back it up, but I feel it would be a good fit.


Sony is a tough one as they have been pretty quiet thus far. I predict a pretty large price drop for PS Vita. It’s time. This insanely powerful piece of portable hardware has had next to no support even since launch and it needs a more accessible price so gamers will blow the dust off of these things and retailers will blow the dust off of the boxes.

Uncharted 4 will be shown at length and the Multiplayer beta will be announced to release the holiday of 2015. This was going to be the blockbuster title for Sony but with it now delayed until Spring 2016, Sony needs to at least give gamers a taste. Although Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection will move quite a few units, a beta release for the new title will really push it over the top.

E3, other than the holiday season, is my favorite time of year. No matter which platform you prefer, everyone will have plenty to talk about a week from now.


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