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Game Review: Minecraft (Nintendo Switch)

Over the years Minecraft has appeared on more devices than any other game on the planet save for possibly Tetris. It’s a game that just has that “It” factor and is extremely addictive. That’s why most core gamers and casual gamers alike own it on at least one device. That being said (written), it’s difficult to review this game as a standalone version of the title. The question most people have is simply this; “Is this the definitive version of Minecraft?” I’d have to say that my answer is yes.

The reason? Nintendo Switch.

The ability to play Minecraft both either on my television or in handheld mode without the necessity to pick up a different device is an extremely exciting concept to me. This seamless experience, coupled with what I like to call the “Nintendo touch,” sets this version apart from the pack.

In terms of fidelity, Minecraft for Nintendo Switch does fall behind slightly from other platforms. The main gripes being that the draw distance (the distance to which players can see before the horizon fades out) is smaller than on other consoles, and the resolution is locked at 720p, but does run at a solid 60 frames per second. In my opinion, it’s minecraft; It’s made to be a sandbox where anything can be crafted or built, not to be the most beautiful game out there.

The sound in the game is identical to that of other versions of the game and just like in other versions of the game, the stereo sound from both the Nintendo Switch speakers and in my Apple Earpods sound great; much better than I had expected.

The controls in Minecraft for Nintendo Switch feel fantastic. The touch controls are far more comfortable now that I can use it simply to select menu items, then resume controls using the Joy-Cons. It makes for a, as I stated before, a much more seamless experience.

Minecraft for Nintendo Switch is yet another must-have game for the console. The newest creation by the big N shows yet again how they are changing the game and making even the most saturated games feel fresh and young again.


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